Tuesday, December 27, 2011

2012 Promise - again

Welcome 2012. The promises and commitments to change will soon be on everyone's mind and wish list; including mine. This year will not be different from any other. We will all wish for health, success and keeping our families safe. This should not be a wish only for the New Year, but for everyday. I have noticed that the world is smaller, we communicate faster with technology and news is old within the hour. Nothing has the impact that it did 5 years ago. Are we becoming complacent?

I can only communicate my desire to do better, work more effectively - not harder and to enjoy life on a daily basis, and "smell the roses".

Design as a process is time consuming, but my passion. Time can stand still when I become involved in a project. Researching for the right combination of products, aesthetics and affordable execution. The options can seem endless and at sometime, just one more has to come to an end. Anyone that has a vision can understand my plight. I continue to be fascinated by all of the creative products, materials, furniture eand new design elements in the world. So much design and so little time.

I hope your passion also makes time stand still for you in 2012 and beyond. Know what makes your heart go wild. Choose to do something that makes you happy. Promise to keep the excitement and anticipation of a child.

know. choose. promise.


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