Tuesday, February 07, 2006

We made a promise

Graphic Artists, Interior Designers/Interior Architects/ Architects/ Media Artists/ Web developers/ Visual Artists and on and on..., The world of design has many favorable attributes; creativity, research, visual satisfaction and a sense of accomplishment. Those are some of the good, but along with the positive must come the negative (yin/yang). This universal concept has existed longer than the rise (and fall) of mankind and will continue long after.

We meet with clients and through our mastery of human psychology and design skills, we interpret their dreams into visual reality. In this process, we must make decisions. Decisions that may have effects far beyond our present reality. The choice of materials, applications and execution, all effect our environment. We recycle, but do we create more than we use?...the answer is yes.

We made a promise to add beauty to the world, to our environment, to our culture and to humanity. Are we keeping our promise? No... we need to learn more about the choices that we make and their potential effects on the environment.

Those last brochures that were designed required how many hours on your computer, that used how much energy to produce how many sheets of paper, to proof or review with the client before the printer had to produce more than they needed to get the quantity ordered. Think about it; the air pollution produced from the inks and equipment, the trucks and fuel needed to deliver and the results that end up in the landfills that are taking up an increasing percentage of mother earth.

The building was designed to please the client, but what about the people that must work, live in or visit the building, home or retail location. Is the air as clean as it should be, are the paints emitting toxins, does the carpet hold mold, mildew or other undesirables? As a consumer you have the right to a clean and healthy environment. But do we make ourselves and clients aware of the choices and how they can make a difference?

We are all guilty, myself included...but we can make a change. In the coming days, months, weeks, and hopefully years; let's discuss, let's learn and let's make a change.

Let me know what you think and how you and I can make a difference.

know. choose. promise.

Mona King, Associate IIDA


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